Cold War Crossword

  1. 3. The island nation where a tense standoff over nuclear missions took place between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R.
  2. 7. An Alliance of western democracies, led by the U.S. against the spread of communism.
  3. 10. The notion that communism would spread from one nation to another if left unchecked was called the theory.
  4. 11. The American foreign policy that attempted to prevent communism from spreading to other countries.
  5. 12. American president who led the nation during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
  6. 13. A political and social system where the state dominates all aspects of society.
  1. 1. This was the Wisconsin Senator who accused many members of the government, media, entertainment and military of being communists, often without evidence.
  2. 2. A political and social system where the people elect their representatives in government.
  3. 4. The German city that was cut off by the U.S.S.R. and had to be supplied by a vast airlift campaign by the West.
  4. 5. The southeast Asian country where the U.S. fought a war from 1964 and 1975.
  5. 6. American president who led the U.S. during the Korean War.
  6. 7. American president who ended the Vietnam War and resigned from office due to the Watergate Scandal.
  7. 8. President after JFK who escalated the Vietnam War.
  8. 9. The first major conflict of the Cold War was fought between communist and anti-communist forces in this divided Asian country.