Cold War Crossword

  1. 2. -The 40+ year period of political hostility.
  2. 5. -Precipitation or dust after Nuclear explosion.
  3. 7. -A union that sustained 15 socialist republics.
  4. 9. -Political division in Europe between democratic west ans communist east.
  5. 10. - A fear of a communist uprising in the US.
  6. 13. -US policy to keep communism from spreading.
  7. 14. War -This war was because of the divided Korean peninsula
  8. 15. -A bomb that derives its destructive power from release of nuclear energy.
  1. 1. -A president with a policy that sought on detente.
  2. 3. -A communist organization including Soviet Union, Poland, Ukraine, and East Germany.
  3. 4. -If one nation falls, the surrounding nations will too.
  4. 6. -An international organization.
  5. 8. -Led by Joseph McCarthy, the period of public attacks.
  6. 11. -This wall was the soviets attempt to prevent a "Caparalist" influence inside east Germany
  7. 12. -An organization including US, Canada, UK, and France.