The Cold War CrossWord

  1. 2. Socialist form of governing where the economy is controlled by the state; Created by Karl Marx
  2. 8. The blockade on West Berlin from the Soviet Union
  3. 9. 35th president of the United States; President who handled the Cuban Missile Crisis and the last one to be assassinated
  4. 12. A military alliance formed between the communist countries
  5. 14. Democratic, Capitalist, World Power
  6. 15. Communist leader of Cuba
  7. 17. System of government controlled by the people; The United States was this
  8. 18. Authoritarian, Communist, World Power
  1. 1. 33rd president of the United States; Created the Truman Doctrine
  2. 3. Economic aid sent to countries after World War 2 to help rebuild the damage from the war
  3. 4. The theory created by the west that if one country fell to communism their neighbors would as well.
  4. 5. Campaign that was coined by Senator Joseph McCarthy that accused people of being communists if they disagreed with you
  5. 6. The term that refers to an atomic bomb
  6. 7. The crisis where nukes were sent to Cuba where nuclear war was close to happening
  7. 10. The war between North Korea and South Korea
  8. 11. The military alliance formed between western powers
  9. 13. The fear of communism spreading
  10. 16. The barrier separating the west from the Soviet controlled countries