- 3. United States' political system
- 4. United States' economic system
- 6. Commander of UN forces in Korean War and oversaw Japanese occupation
- 7. international peace organization created in Yalta Conference
- 9. Plan that gave $13 billion in loans to Western European countries
- 11. symbolic line between communist and democratic countries in Europe
- 13. Money to veterans for scholarships, farms, houses, and businesses
- 16. Alliance between Soviet Union and satellites
- 17. The dividing line between North and South Korea is the 38th _________
- 18. Doctrine that gave aid to Greece and Turkey to resist communism
- 19. 1945 conference that divided Germany into four zones
- 20. _________ Korea invaded South Korea in 1950
- 1. ideological war between Soviet Union and United States
- 2. Event in which U.S. airlifted supplies after the Berlin Blockade
- 5. Congressional act against labor unions
- 8. Temporary loans to support war effort
- 10. Truman gave labor unions higher minimum wage and expanded Social Security benefits
- 12. Political system of North Korea
- 14. Senator who led investigations on federal employees
- 15. Alliance between United States, Iceland, Canada, and Western Europe