Cold War Review

  1. 2. imaginary border that divided Europe between Communist and Capitalist
  2. 6. tactic of damaging reputations based on lies
  3. 8. Change of leadership from Truman
  4. 9. strait in Turkey Stalin wanted
  5. 10. created the Hydrogen Bomb
  6. 11. takes Stalins spot
  7. 13. Created by Eisenhower to face KGB
  8. 14. how much more powerful was h-bomb
  9. 17. millions of government employees were screened. Confirmed Red Scare
  10. 20. idea that communists were among us
  11. 22. led the Chinese communists
  12. 27. promised to help any country threatened by communism
  13. 28. big 3 meeting to deal with end of WW2
  14. 30. crack soviet code and find spies
  15. 31. pumped billions into restoring Europe
  16. 32. Warsaw Pact
  17. 33. North Atlantic Treaty Organization
  1. 1. 5,540 words
  2. 3. allies dropped supplies into Berlin
  3. 4. go to brink of war
  4. 5. leader of Nationalists
  5. 6. Stalins right hand man
  6. 7. Russians trying to keep Allies out of Berlin set up this
  7. 12. what they did to Germany after WW2
  8. 15. House UnAmerican Activities Committee
  9. 16. Nationalists fled here
  10. 18. in charge of Korean War
  11. 19. War, 3 years 36000 US troops dead
  12. 21. U2 type
  13. 23. Mutually assured destruction
  14. 24. FBI ordered wiretapping
  15. 25. Egyptian government wanted to get this waterway back from GB and France
  16. 26. everyone must register as communist if believed so
  17. 29. main goal of Truman Doctrine