Cold War Review

  1. 3. Political cartoons always contain _________, meaning that they represent real-life events.
  2. 4. JFK and Khrushchev avoided WWIII by de-escalating tensions during this scary event.
  3. 7. Americans who believed we should stay out of Vietnam's Civil War were nicknamed this bird.
  4. 8. A country that has the power to influence and control large portions of the world.
  5. 10. Congressional panel whose investigations violated people's rights.
  6. 11. The world came close to WWIII in this conflict because the two superpowers were both involved.
  7. 12. The peak of America's paranoia about Communists in the United States.
  8. 13. Americans were terrified in the 50s and 60s that this would happen between the US & USSR.
  9. 15. $13 billion given by the United States to try and restore capitalism and democracy in Europe after WWII.
  10. 16. The United States sent troops to both Korea and Vietnam for the purpose of ________.
  11. 18. The policy of providing aid to help foreign countries resist Communism.
  1. 1. Americans who believed the mission in Vietnam was important for containment were nicknamed this bird.
  2. 2. The struggle for global power between the United States and the Soviet Union.
  3. 5. The line of separation between US influence and Soviet influence in Europe.
  4. 6. The first country in the world to become Communist.
  5. 9. The Cold War military alliance in Eastern Europe.
  6. 14. The system of economics in America and other democracies.
  7. 17. The Cold War military alliance in Western Europe.