Cold War - Vietnam

  1. 3. Youngest president; shot
  2. 5. Separated Berlin from rest of Germany
  3. 7. Fear of Communism in US
  4. 9. Promoted war then peace
  5. 13. Alliance between US and European countries
  6. 14. Congregation of rep from countries to prevent war
  7. 16. Border between N and S Korea
  8. 18. Central Intelligence Agency
  9. 20. Sent exiled Cubans to kill Castro
  10. 21. Told people what activities were American
  11. 24. Help countries resist communism
  12. 26. US sent supplies to Berlin
  13. 27. Civil war between north and south Korea
  1. 1. First satellite
  2. 2. McCarthy started Russian "witch hunts"
  3. 4. Soviet leader after stalin
  4. 6. Barrier established between Soviets and west Europe
  5. 8. Communist countries under Russia
  6. 10. Weapon utilizing fission
  7. 11. Soviet NATO
  8. 12. An attempt to stop Communist spread
  9. 15. Mass amounts of children being born
  10. 17. Decided to split up Germany
  11. 19. Executed because they were believed to be spies
  12. 22. Demilitarized Zone
  13. 23. Communist leader of Cuba
  14. 25. US aid in rebuilding European econ