Cold War Vocabulary Quiz

  1. 3. The Prime Minister of Great Britain
  2. 5. A political and economic system where the government controls all aspects of life.
  3. 7. The President of the US who attended the Yalta Conference.
  4. 9. Type of weapon used to annihilate the world.
  5. 10. A state of political hostility between the US and the Soviet Union
  6. 13. A year long response to Stalin's blockade of highways and railroads into western Berlin.
  7. 14. An international organization formed in 1945 to increase political and economic cooperation among its member countries.
  8. 17. The alliance created by the Soviets and their satellite countries.
  1. 1. The capitol of Germany; also split into four areas.
  2. 2. Aid provided by the US to rebuild Europe.
  3. 4. Formed in 1945 to increase political and economic cooperation among its member countries.
  4. 5. A policy to stop the spread of Communism.
  5. 6. Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty
  6. 8. Mutually Assured Destruction
  7. 11. The communist leader who did not bring free elections to Eastern Europe
  8. 12. A bribe to fight off Communism; resources given to Greece and Turkey.
  9. 15. The President of the US who dropped the Atomic Bombs.
  10. 16. The alliance America, Canada and ten other nations created.