
  1. 2. How can art affect our view of and response to environmental issues?
  2. 5. Referring to the Deepwater Horizon disaster that inspired the sculpture.
  3. 6. The shape of the installation representing the food chain.
  4. 9. Referring to the complex network of life the sculpture addresses.
  5. 11. The complex interrelationships within the Gulf's ecosystem that are difficult to maintain.
  6. 15. Highlighting the socio-economic impact and subject matter of the artwork.
  7. 16. The title of the sculpture, central to its theme
  8. 18. A dire consequence of sculpture warms agaisnt.
  9. 19. Symbolizing species decline or extinction, a visual surprise.
  1. 1. What can we do to mitigate our impact on the environment?
  2. 3. The challenge of protecting marine life.
  3. 4. General term for the subject of the sculpture.
  4. 6. Both a method used in the sculpture and a thematic concern.
  5. 7. The geographical focus of the artwork's commentary.
  6. 8. The challenge of addresing the human role in environmental disasters?
  7. 10. The surprising number of specimens included.
  8. 12. How can we live in a way that protects ecosystems?
  9. 13. The preserved organisms displayed in the sculpture.
  10. 14. What is our role in preventing future environmental disasters?
  11. 17. Refers to the wide variety of species represented.