Collective identity, sense of belonging and social cohesion.

  1. 4. 1 is a value that requires union, support and protection to those that are under risk, disadvantage or any situation that needs the support of others.
  2. 6. 1 is the conscience of belonging to one or more social groups.
  3. 7. This collective identity makes possible the______which is define as the tendency of persons to keep united to their groups of belonging.
  4. 8. Mexican flag, national symbol in the flag, and Mexican anthem.
  5. 9. it is the feeling of being part of Mexico, and the recognition that we share the same language, history and national symbols.
  1. 1. 2 people establish sentimental attachments to this groups because they feel proud of being integrate
  2. 2. 2 We become under tragic events, natural disasters or social conflicts.
  3. 3. 1 is totally related with solidarity which means to act together, define common goals, design strategies, and share responsibilities.
  4. 5. It is_____for the social cohesion and peace.
  5. 6. 2 is the opposite of unhealthy competition