Collective identity, sense of belonging and social cohesion.

  1. 4. : Refers to the shared perception of belonging and association with one or more social groups.
  2. 5. : refers to the harmony and solidarity within a group or society, characterized by shared values, norms, and goals, which promote stability and cooperation among its members.
  3. 7. : is the conscience of belonging to one or more social groups.
  4. 9. : it is the feeling of being part of Mexico, the recognition that we share the same language, history and national symbols.
  1. 1. :is the opposite of unhealthy competition
  2. 2. :is the bond that holds a community together, fostering a sense of belonging and unity among its members, leading to cooperation and mutual support.
  3. 3. : related with solidarity which means to act together, design strategies, and share
  4. 6. : Mexican flag, national symbol in the flag, and Mexican anthem
  5. 8. :requires union, support and protection, natural disasters or social conflicts.