College and Career

  1. 3. Stuck on ______ scholarship
  2. 4. My favorite animal
  3. 6. Number of siblings
  4. 9. Mr.Pace's first class
  5. 11. Favorite snack
  6. 12. My Hogwarts house
  7. 13. ______ for Google
  8. 16. Hobby
  9. 17. How many things should we have on our portfilo
  10. 18. First assignment
  11. 19. What is the period after College and Carrer
  1. 1. Dream Job
  2. 2. First Scholarship we did
  3. 5. What college did Mr.Pace go to
  4. 7. First College tour
  5. 8. What class is next to us
  6. 10. Dream Pet
  7. 12. interest
  8. 14. Favorite Drink
  9. 15. Favorite Period