College Finacial Aid Review

  1. 5. the fees of staying and eating on campus
  2. 7. getting paid back for studying in a work-related area
  3. 11. availabele to students in college, grad school, vocational schools, etc and provided by the government
  1. 1. borrowing money to use now and paying it off later, at once or over time
  2. 2. a letter detailing what your finacial aid package contains, can be misleading
  3. 3. money that doesn't have to be paid back to the school
  4. 4. having some of the costs paid for postsecondary school if you are working a part-time job, the employer usually covers half of the wages while the federal governmnet covers the rest
  5. 6. amount of a students total cost that is not covered by EFC or outisde grants and scholarships
  6. 7. the fees paid in order to attend higher education and use their amenities
  7. 8. this measures how much of your college costs your family can be expected to pay based off their finances
  8. 9. money not repaid but given to a person for acccomplishing soemthing or good academics
  9. 10. an application filled out to determine how much you and your family can contribute, the results determine the amounts of grants and work-study programs