Colonial America Review

  1. 4. a blue plant used to dye cloth with
  2. 6. the colonial region where slavery was most widespread
  3. 7. people sharing a common racial, religious, language identity
  4. 10. the largest city in the United States
  5. 11. the trade routes that connected Europe, Africa, and America
  6. 14. crops grown to make a profit from
  7. 16. the journey enslaved Africans took to America
  8. 17. the Southern Colonies had a warm and ______ climate
  9. 18. a cash crop grown in the Middle Colonies
  10. 19. the type of soil in New England
  1. 1. large farms where cash crops were grown
  2. 2. something brought into an area
  3. 3. the colonial region containing New York, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, and Delaware
  4. 5. farming to feed yourself and family only
  5. 8. something sent to another place
  6. 9. how most people made a living in Colonial America
  7. 12. the European country that ruled over the 13 Colonies
  8. 13. the practice of owning another person as property
  9. 15. the type of soil in the Middle Colonies