Colonial America Studies

  1. 2. Worked the land according to the region, relied on family members for labor
  2. 4. Lived predominantly in the South. relied on indentured servants and/or enslaved African Americans for labor, were educated in some cases, had rich social culture
  3. 7. harbors, rocky coastlines, dry rocky soil, Appalachian Mountains, colder climate. Human resources: fishermen, shipbuilders, skilled craftsmen. Natural resources: fish, timber, deep harbors. Capital resources: tools, buildings. Social life: churches, schools, villages. Political life: Town Meetings
  4. 9. Appalachian Mountains, Piedmont, Atlantic Coastal Plain, warm climate. Natural resources: rivers, fertile farmland, harbors, forests. Human resources: farmers, enslaved African Americans, indentured servants. Capital resources: tools, buildings. Social life: Plantations, mansions, few schools/cities. Political life: Counties
  5. 11. Two or more people depending on others
  6. 12. specialization: Tobacco, rice, indigo, forest products (lumber, tar, pitch)
  7. 14. Worked as craftsmen in towns and on plantations, lived in small villages and cities
  8. 17. Specialization: Fishing, shipbuilding, naval supplies, metal tools and equipment.
  9. 19. Worked to buy and sell goods to the colonists, lived in towns and cities
  10. 20. established as an economic venture
  11. 21. Appalachian Mountains, harbors, moderate climate. Natural resources: rich soil, rivers. Human resources: farmers, fishermen, workers. Capital resources: tools, buildings. Social life: Cities and Villages, diverse religions and backgrounds. Political life: Market towns
  1. 1. settled by Quakers to practice their religion without interference
  2. 3. Were captured in their native Africa and sold to slave traders; then were shipped to the colonies where they were sold into slavery, were owned as property for life without any rights, were often born into slavery (Children of enslaved African Americans were born into slavery.)
  3. 5. Specialization: Livestock, grains, fish
  4. 6. the first colony to be settled; an economic venture sponsored by the Virginia Company
  5. 8. Were able to own land, had economic freedom and could work for pay and decide how to spend their money, were not allowed to vote
  6. 9. Focus on producing one or a few products
  7. 10. settled by Puritans for religious reasons
  8. 13. servants Were men and women who did not have money for passage to the colonies and who agreed to work without pay for the person who paid for their passage, were free at the end of their contract
  9. 15. settled by debtors from the debtor's prison in England
  10. 16. Worked as caretakers, house-workers, and homemakers, were not allowed to vote. had few opportunities for getting an education
  11. 18. settled by separatists from the Church of England for religious reasons