colonial period CAR

  1. 1. The amount of time a student has studied a certain subject.
  2. 4. A school where teachers got taught.
  3. 5. A public school.
  4. 6. A helper agreed to work for a fixed period at low wages.
  5. 8. They seek to help their well being
  6. 11. Most prestigious University in Cambridge Massachusetts.
  7. 13. Something teachers used to put their lesson plans on back in the old days.
  8. 14. A wealthy person that seeks to help others.
  9. 15. Computers putting man out of work/job.
  10. 16. Children taught the basics.
  11. 17. Where they teach you how to speak Latin.
  1. 2. First reading primer designed for the American colonies.
  2. 3. church member.
  3. 7. Home school usually run by an elderly woman.
  4. 9. Change of the church under Elizabeth
  5. 10. Children working to many hours.
  6. 12. A person who helped standardize English language usage in the United States.