- 1. East vs. West binary
- 3. Theorist who influenced Darwin
- 5. False understanding of human difference
- 7. Amalgamated traditional and biomedicine
- 8. Must be in balance for complete health
- 9. Imagined geographical region
- 10. Problem with sociobiology
- 13. Unani practitioner
- 14. Linked to Unani practice
- 16. Not really a gift from the British
- 18. Ongoing, current historical period
- 19. Where indigenous practices were staged
- 20. Kind of colonialism (North America)
- 2. Fate of traditional medicine
- 4. Source of knowledge (6-9)
- 6. Always shifting (Positional _______)
- 11. Misinforms understanding
- 12. Part of colonial rule
- 15. Colonial legacy of societal division
- 17. Malaria mosquito
- 21. Positive stereotyping