Colonialism and Medical Anthropology

  1. 1. East vs. West binary
  2. 3. Theorist who influenced Darwin
  3. 5. False understanding of human difference
  4. 7. Amalgamated traditional and biomedicine
  5. 8. Must be in balance for complete health
  6. 9. Imagined geographical region
  7. 10. Problem with sociobiology
  8. 13. Unani practitioner
  9. 14. Linked to Unani practice
  10. 16. Not really a gift from the British
  11. 18. Ongoing, current historical period
  12. 19. Where indigenous practices were staged
  13. 20. Kind of colonialism (North America)
  1. 2. Fate of traditional medicine
  2. 4. Source of knowledge (6-9)
  3. 6. Always shifting (Positional _______)
  4. 11. Misinforms understanding
  5. 12. Part of colonial rule
  6. 15. Colonial legacy of societal division
  7. 17. Malaria mosquito
  8. 21. Positive stereotyping