
  1. 2. relating to the government
  2. 5. the creating of something
  3. 6. aboriginal culture
  4. 7. a government person
  5. 9. infection causing diarrhoea
  6. 14. student of anthropology
  7. 17. a person sent on a religious mission
  8. 19. a community
  1. 1. a way of transporting
  2. 3. a jail
  3. 4. your background relatives
  4. 8. considered in relation to trade
  5. 10. an official agreement
  6. 11. to be set free
  7. 12. a man made thing
  8. 13. criminal
  9. 15. the bottom of the ship
  10. 16. making people do work
  11. 18. exploring