Colonization to Revolution

  1. 4. Industry that manufactures and provides raw materials.
  2. 8. Colonists dressed up as Indians to protest taxation of tea by dumping it in the Boston Harbor.
  3. 9. Being born into sin is known as _______________ sin.
  4. 15. This mountain range was to be the border where European immigrants could settle in the Proclamation of 1763.
  5. 17. Left the Church of England to reform its ideals.
  6. 20. Type of "relationship" England had with the colonies that included exporting more than importing.
  7. 23. Banished from Massachusetts Bay Colony and established Providence which later became Rhode Island.
  8. 26. Parted from the Puritans to reform the church from within.
  9. 27. Became New York and New Jersey after the English took it from the Dutch.
  10. 29. Where the treaty was signed to end the French and Indian War.
  11. 30. A plan in 1754 to place the British colonies under a more centralized government.
  12. 33. System set up to allocate 50 acres of land to anyone who paid their way over to the New World from England and 50 per person that they brought over.
  13. 37. “No taxation without representation.”
  14. 38. First economic asset in the New World.
  15. 39. Raised to regulate trade with America.
  16. 40. German immigrant who was accused of him questioning the politics of the Governor of New York in a newspaper article. He was acquitted of libel and became a symbol of the freedom of the press.
  17. 41. Puritans believed this “document” was the final word when laws are questioned.
  1. 1. Most of the colonists were this.
  2. 2. Arrived in the New World in 1620 with Pilgrims.
  3. 3. Established in 1607, it was the first English colony.
  4. 5. Conflict between Colonists and British troops in which the troops fired on protesting Colonists.
  5. 6. Pacifists who tried to resist war and abolish slavery.
  6. 7. Fought with French in war against the English and Colonists.
  7. 10. “Revivalist” time period in the 1730s to 1740s that tried to establish religion as the dominant influence throughout the colonies.
  8. 11. Tobacco was most abundant in these colonies.
  9. 12. Rebellion after the French and Indian war between a confederation of Native American tribes and the British in the Great Lakes region.
  10. 13. Acts derived by the English in order to curb insubordination by the colonists.
  11. 14. In 1619, these were established for the first time in the “New World”.
  12. 16. “Unite for the common defense.”
  13. 17. Established in 1620, it was the second English colony.
  14. 18. Shipbuilding was most abundant in these colonies.
  15. 19. Jamestown was so named because of this individual.
  16. 21. Number of original colonies.
  17. 22. State named after “America’s” first governor.
  18. 24. Commanded “militia” in Ohio during the French and Indian War. He later became the United States’ first president.
  19. 25. First war between the Indians and Colonists.
  20. 28. Native Americans used these “tactics” in fighting the colonists during the King Philip’s War.
  21. 31. Religion and __________ were two freedoms being contested in courts in 1735.
  22. 32. Samuel Adams was a member of this activist group who protested taxation by the British.
  23. 34. In 1619, these people brought over “indentured” servants from Africa.
  24. 35. First “celebrated” in 1621 to honor God.
  25. 36. Country that was allocated land west of the Mississippi after the French and Indian War.