- 3. Colors: red, yellow, blue
- 4. Darker because you added black to the color
- 5. Colors: Red, Yellow, Orange
- 7. One color
- 10. Name of color
- 11. Colors: Red-Violet, Red-Orange, Blue-Violet, Blue-Green, Yellow-Green, Yellow-Orange
- 12. Most important factor in seeing color
- 14. Grouping colors together for effect.
- 15. Brightness or dullness of a color
- 1. Colors: green, violet, orange
- 2. Colors opposite on the color wheel
- 6. 3-4 Neighbors on the color wheel
- 8. 3 Colors evenly spaced out on the color wheel (skip 3)
- 9. Colors: Blue, Green Violet
- 13. Lighter because you added white to the color