
  1. 2. A color that is a mixture of black and white.
  2. 4. A color that is often associated with earth and wood.
  3. 5. A shiny yellow color often associated with wealth and luxury.
  4. 7. The color of snow, milk, and most clouds.
  5. 10. A shiny gray color often associated with metal.
  6. 11. The absence of color or a very dark shade.
  7. 12. A color that is often associated with the sky and ocean.
  8. 13. A color that is often associated with grass and leaves.
  1. 1. A color that is a mixture of red and yellow.
  2. 3. A bright color that is often associated with the sun.
  3. 6. A color that is a mixture of blue and red.
  4. 8. A greenish-blue color often associated with gemstones.
  5. 9. A light shade of red that is often associated with girls.
  6. 14. A color that is often associated with fire and love.