
  1. 3. brightness and dullness
  2. 6. made by mixing blue and red
  3. 7. blue, green, blue-green
  4. 11. color plus white
  5. 13. made by mixing 2 primaries
  6. 16. a tertiary color
  7. 18. yellow, red, red-orange
  8. 19. the way watercolor should be painted
  9. 21. paint that is water based
  10. 22. a primary color
  11. 25. a window
  12. 27. a primary color
  13. 28. lightness and darkness
  14. 29. another name for color
  1. 1. tints, tones, and shades of a color
  2. 2. made by mixing 3 primary colors
  3. 4. an absorption of all color
  4. 5. colors made by mixing a primary and secondary
  5. 8. cannot see through
  6. 9. ways of putting colors together
  7. 10. a neutral color
  8. 12. tool for organizing color
  9. 14. a primary color
  10. 15. colors that cannot be made by mixing colors
  11. 17. made by mixing yellow and red
  12. 20. needed to see color
  13. 21. a reflection of all color
  14. 23. made by mixing yellow and blue
  15. 24. used to apply paint
  16. 26. color plus black