
  1. 3. to make a hue duller by adding gray
  2. 6. the lightness and darkness of a color
  3. 7. lighter value by adding white
  4. 8. the pure color
  5. 9. wheel a continuous circle of color
  6. 10. tints and shades of one hue
  7. 11. colors purple, green, orange
  8. 12. darker value by adding black
  9. 13. colors red, yellow, blue
  10. 14. colors yellow,orange, red
  1. 1. colors colors that are next to each other
  2. 2. colors colors that are directly across from each otherr
  3. 4. black,white,gray, brown
  4. 5. colors colors made by adding 2 primary colors together
  5. 7. colors hues created by adding a primary color and a secondary color
  6. 9. colors blue, green, violet