- 7. Colors that are next to each other on the color wheel and are closely related. Not the same thing as a monochromatic set of colors.
- 9. One color that is modified by changing the values and saturation of the hue by additions of black or white.
- 11. A color harmony consisting of three equidistant hues on the color wheel.
- 12. Combinations of colors that are considered satisfying or that produce certain effects.
- 15. Color harmonies or combinations of colors generally considered aesthetically pleasing or used to create a certain effect.
- 18. Colors produced by mixing a primary color with a secondary color which is closest to it on the color wheel. (yellow + green = yellow-green). They are also made by mixing unequal amounts of two primaries (adding more yellow than blue becomes a yellow-green).
- 19. The degree of purity, saturation or strength of a color. High-intensity colors are bright; low-intensity colors are dull.
- 22. From the Italian meaning “light to dark”. The use of value contrasts to represent the effects of light and shadow.
- 23. Those colors in which blue is dominant, found on the right side of the color wheel.
- 24. Another term used to identify intermediate colors. Colors that are made by mixing a primary with a secondary in the same family.
- 25. Variation of a color with black added to it.
- 1. Colors that result from mixing two primary colors. Orange, green and violet.
- 2. A painting technique in which paint is applied in very thick strokes in order to create a highly textured surface. Vincent Van Gogh was famous for his paintings that used this technique.
- 3. Colors such as black, white and gray not associated with any color.
- 4. An element of art concerned with the degree of lightness or darkness of colors.
- 5. The three basic colors, red, yellow, and blue, from which it is possible to mix all other colors. The primaries cannot be produced by mixing pigments.
- 6. The purity, vividness, or intensity of a color.
- 8. The term used when a color’s hue, value or intensity is affected by the colors nearby.
- 10. Two colors that are directly opposite each other on the color wheel, meaning they are in extreme contrast with each other.
- 13. Bands of colored light created when white light passes through a prism. Also, the full range of colors.
- 14. A color that has had white added to it.
- 16. Variations in the darkness and lightness of a color, often used by artist to create an illusion of volume on a flat surface.
- 17. The property of color that distinquishes one gradation from another and gives it its name. Another term for the generically used term “color”.
- 20. Those hues in which yellow and red are dominant.
- 21. A diagram showing the spectrum of colors, and their relationship to one another.
- 22. An art element with three properties: hue, value and intensity.