Color Crossword

  1. 2. a color harmony based on variations in value and intensity of a single hue
  2. 4. colors across from each other on the color wheel
  3. 5. colors made by mixing a primary with a secondary
  4. 9. blue, red, and yellow are all this
  5. 10. black, red, and white together are an example of this color harmony
  6. 13. colors made by mixing two primary colors together
  7. 14. describes the lightness or darkness of a color, how much white or black is added
  8. 15. these are not found on the color wheel but are used to change the value or intensity of a color
  1. 1. this color temperature tends to calm and relax
  2. 3. a tool which shows how colors are related to each other
  3. 6. also known as tone or saturation, it describes the brightness or dullness of a color
  4. 7. a dynamic, high contrast 3-color harmony with colors equally spaced on the color wheel
  5. 8. the pure root or base of a color
  6. 11. created by adding white to a color
  7. 12. this color temperature tends to brighten or add excitement
  8. 13. color plus black