Color & Interior

  1. 3. a color is either changed to grayscale or to bright neon colors, the __________ of the color is changing.
  2. 8. you mix 2 primary colors together it makes a __________ color like orange.
  3. 12. + __________ = Blue
  4. 13. Psychology is how colors can affect a human’s behavior or ¬__________.
  5. 14. a color changes from one color of the rainbow to a different color of the rainbow, the __________ of the color is changing.
  6. 17. calming and trusting color
  7. 18. color associated with love or anger
  1. 1. the lightness or darkness of a color changes, the __________ of the color is changing.
  2. 2. that are on opposite sides of the Color Wheel.
  3. 4. colors that can’t be found on a color wheel are the __________ colors.
  4. 5. color comes next on the Color Wheel: red, red-orange, orange, yellow-orange, yellow, yellow-green, __________?
  5. 6. called intermediate color, red-orange and blue-green are considered __________ colors.
  6. 7. Blue, and Yellow are traditionally considered to be __________ colors.
  7. 9. joyful and passive color
  8. 10. color with no wavelength
  9. 11. color harmony consisting of colors that are right next to each other on the Color Wheel.
  10. 13. color harmony consisting of the tints and shades of only one hue.
  11. 15. design of the inside of a room is called an __________ design.
  12. 16. are arranged on a __________ to show how to mix different colors from the primary colors.