Color Medina

  1. 5. 3 colors on the color wheel evenly spaced out (skip 3)
  2. 7. Colors consisting of Blue, Green & Violet
  3. 8. One Color
  4. 10. Combining a primary and secondary color together
  5. 11. Name of a color
  6. 13. a group of 2,3,4 colors next to each other on the color wheel
  7. 14. Add white
  8. 15. Add black
  1. 1. Opposite each on the color wheel
  2. 2. Grouping colors together for affect
  3. 3. Most important aspect regarding color
  4. 4. Orange, Violet & Green
  5. 6. Red Yellow & Blue
  6. 9. Brightness or dullness of a color
  7. 12. Colors consisting of Red, Yellow & Orange