Color Schemes

  1. 1. Blue, Green and Violet are _ colors.
  2. 2. A colorful arc in the sky is called a _
  3. 4. Red, Yellow and Blue are _ colors.
  4. 5. a plan for organizing colors is called a color _.
  5. 6. A color scheme that uses tints and shades of one color
  6. 7. A primary color + a secondary color makes a _ color.
  7. 9. Colors that are close to each other on the color wheel and share a hue
  8. 11. Green, Orange and Violet are _ colors.
  9. 13. The lightness or darkness of a color is its _.
  10. 15. Black added to a color makes a _.
  11. 16. Black White and Gray
  1. 1. Colors apposite each other on the color wheel
  2. 3. The _ of a color describes how bright or dull it is.
  3. 7. White added to a color makes a _
  4. 8. Another word for color is_
  5. 10. Red, Yellow and Orange are _ colors.
  6. 12. Color is one of the _ of art.
  7. 14. Orange can be muted (neutralized) by adding _.