Color Theory

  1. 2. This arrangement of colors contains all the colors of a single hue
  2. 4. This arrangement of colors contains two colors adjacent to its complement, in addition to the base color on the color wheel
  3. 6. This secondary color is often associated with growth or forgiveness
  4. 8. These colors are formed by mixing one primary color with another primary color
  5. 10. This secondary color is often associated with energy or enthusiasm
  6. 12. This is a pleasing arrangement of parts, whether it be music, poetry, color, or even an ice cream sundae
  7. 14. This primary color is often associated with anger or passion
  8. 15. These colors are formed by mixing one primary color with one adjacent secondary color
  9. 16. This secondary color is often associated with royalty or power
  10. 19. Next to or adjoining something else
  11. 20. This primary color is often associated with happiness or caution
  12. 21. An artistic technique of scrubbing an undiluted, opaque, and generally pale pigment across others for special textural effects or to raise the key of a dark-colored area
  1. 1. This person developed the first circular diagram of colors in 1666
  2. 3. These colors cannot be mixed or formed by any combination of other colors
  3. 5. This arrangement of colors contains a pair of colors opposite or across from each other on the color wheel
  4. 7. This arrangement of colors contains any 3 colors that are evenly spaced on the color wheel
  5. 9. This arrangement of colors contains groups of 4-5 colors that are next to each other on the color wheel
  6. 11. An artistic technique used to create tonal or shading effects by drawing (or painting) closely spaced parallel lines
  7. 12. This presents a logically arranged sequence of pure hues has merit
  8. 13. An artistic technique of drawing, painting, or engraving using numerous small dots or specks
  9. 17. An artistic technique that is used with mediums that do not allow blending (ex: pen and ink) to indicate shading, modeling, light, and shade with lines crossing over each other
  10. 18. This primary color is often associated with sadness or peace