  1. 4. Adding together a color and black to get darker versions
  2. 5. First set of colors: red, yellow, blue
  3. 6. Fade back, calming: blue, green, violet
  4. 8. Created by mixing a primary with a secondary: RO, YO, YG, BG, BV, RV
  5. 9. Adding together a color and white to get lighter versions
  6. 11. Using only one color plus tints and shades
  7. 13. Pairs that are opposites on the color wheel
  8. 16. When mixing colors, always add the _________ color into the lighter color
  9. 17. Yellow + Blue =
  1. 1. Yellow is a complementary pair with ________
  2. 2. Created by mixing two primary colors: green, orange, violet
  3. 3. Red is a complementary pair with _________
  4. 7. Blue is a complementary pair with ________
  5. 10. Red + Blue =
  6. 12. Yellow + Red =
  7. 14. White + ________ =
  8. 15. Catch our attention: red, yellow, orange, pink, peach