Color Theory

  1. 3. Blue, Green, Purple
  2. 4. Level of intensity of a color
  3. 8. Quality of Brightness and Purity of a color
  4. 11. Colors that are opposite on the color wheel
  5. 12. Combination of complimentary colors
  6. 13. Red, Yellow, Orange
  7. 15. A light value of a color, achieved by adding white
  8. 16. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet
  9. 18. A Hue's lightness or darkness
  10. 19. The name of a color
  1. 1. Colors made by combining two Primary Colors
  2. 2. The lightness of darkness of a color
  3. 5. Colors made from one Primary color combined with one Secondary color adjacent on the color wheel
  4. 6. One color with different values
  5. 7. Colors that make up all other colors
  6. 9. Absence of color
  7. 10. The darkness of a color, achieved by adding black
  8. 14. 3-5 colors adjacent on the color wheel that are harmonious
  9. 17. Combination of all colors