Color Theory

  1. 5. an element of art with 3 properties, hue, intensity, and value
  2. 7. a lighter value of a color, add white
  3. 8. green, purple, orange
  4. 10. colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel
  5. 11. a darker value of a color, add black
  6. 12. produced by mixing a primary color with a secondary color
  7. 14. refers to applying layers of pencil until the tooth of the paper is completely filled in with color pencil
  8. 15. red, orange, yellow
  1. 1. blue, purple, green
  2. 2. 3 colors that are opposite each other on the wheel but to either side of the exact opposite
  3. 3. can not produce by mixing other colors together
  4. 4. 4 colors, 2 on either side of 2 complements, but not the complementary color
  5. 6. Colors that are next to each other on the color wheel
  6. 9. several values of one color
  7. 13. white, black, gray, and brown