Color Theory

  1. 3. The lightness or darkness of a color.
  2. 6. Means of organizing colors in a circular format.
  3. 7. A combination of complementary colors.
  4. 8. Adding black to a color.
  5. 10. Red, yellow, and blue.
  6. 11. Created by mixing a primary and secondary color.
  7. 14. Made up of one color and its shades and tints.
  8. 15. The colors of the rainbow arranged in their natural order.
  9. 16. Adding white to a color.
  1. 1. Usually associated with cool things: Purple - Yellow-green.
  2. 2. One of the colors of the spectrum.
  3. 4. Green, orange, purple (violet).
  4. 5. Usually associated with warm things: Red - Red-violet.
  5. 9. Ways colors are put together in an intelligent manner.
  6. 12. colors that are next to each other on the color wheel.
  7. 13. Colors found directly across from each other on the color wheel.