Color Theory

  1. 3. When grey is added to a color.
  2. 4. Yellow green for example
  3. 5. No color.
  4. 10. A color scheme of two colors that sit opposite the color wheel.
  5. 12. Blue, violet and green are in the _____ family because the colors are like water/ice.
  6. 15. The purity of the color.
  7. 20. Paint tubes and ____ were a result of the Industrial Revolution.
  8. 23. Who mixed and made colors before paint tubes were readily available?
  9. 24. A property of color and is the lightness or darkness of a color.
  10. 25. Sir Isaac Newton discovered color comes from what?
  11. 26. What is the complement of blue?
  1. 1. One color plus its tints, tones and shades.
  2. 2. Another name for violet.
  3. 6. Mix the complements together to create ____.
  4. 7. The name of a color.
  5. 8. Yellow, orange and red are in the warm family because the colors are like what?
  6. 9. Mixing two primaries together.
  7. 11. A set of rules that organizes and harmonizes the use of color.
  8. 13. When black is added to a color.
  9. 14. A tint of red.
  10. 16. A color scheme of three colors equally spaced on the color wheel
  11. 17. An absence of light.
  12. 18. A way of visually organizing colors
  13. 19. Red, yellow and blue.
  14. 21. A color scheme with two sets of complements.
  15. 22. Colors that sit next to one another on the color wheel.