Color Theory

  1. 1. red and yellow make...
  2. 3. comes from one color and its tints, tones, and shades
  3. 6. blue and red make...
  4. 8. the complement of orange
  5. 12. white, black and grey are these colors
  6. 14. you get this color when mixing complementary colors
  7. 15. Orange, green, purple are these colors
  8. 17. colors across from each other on the color wheel are...
  9. 18. colors that are in between primary and secondary on the color wheel
  10. 19. color + grey
  1. 2. three colors that are next to each other on the color wheel
  2. 4. Another word for color
  3. 5. the complement of purple
  4. 7. green,blue,and purple are examples of...
  5. 9. red, yellow, blue are these colors
  6. 10. red, orange, and yellow are examples of...
  7. 11. blue and yellow make...
  8. 13. the complement of green
  9. 16. color + black
  10. 18. color + white