Color Theory Cross Word Puzzle

  1. 3. the colors opposite to each other on the color wheel: (red & green, blue & orange, yellow & violet) When placed next to each other, complementary colors make each other appear brighter.
  2. 4. similarity on both sides of a dividing line
  3. 7. hues that are next to each other on the color wheel
  4. 8. orange, violet)
  5. 9. a chart that shows the relationship of different colors to each other.
  6. 10. colors from which all other colors are made (red, blue, and yellow)
  7. 14. a color plus white, also called “pastels”
  8. 17. the way an object reflects or emits lights
  9. 18. colors that are created from equal amounts of a pair of primary colors
  10. 19. having more than one color
  1. 1. blue-violet, blue-green, yellow-green, yellow-orange, red-orange)
  2. 2. colors made from equal amounts of a pair of primary and secondary colors
  3. 5. a color plus black
  4. 6. the arrangement of elements (including color!) in an artwork
  5. 11. the hues on the green/blue/violet side of the color wheel
  6. 12. having one color (or using different tints and shades of the same color in an artwork)
  7. 13. free of color
  8. 15. the hues on the red/orange/yellow side of the color wheel
  9. 16. another word for color