Color Theory Review

  1. 3. Scheme Planned combination of colors
  2. 4. Colors Side by side and share a common color
  3. 5. Used to make tints of color
  4. 7. Colors Opposite colors on color wheel
  5. 9. A specific color
  6. 10. Brightness or dullness of hue
  7. 12. Soup Can Example of Pop Art
  8. 13. Issac Newton Inventor of Color Wheel
  9. 14. Art Means popular culture
  10. 15. The lightness or darkness of a hue
  1. 1. One color and its tints and shades
  2. 2. Used to make shades of color
  3. 6. Colors Created by mixing primary plus adjacent
  4. 8. Warhol Example of Pop Artist
  5. 11. Colors Created by mixing two primary colors