  1. 3. Black, white, and gray; When these colors with colors on the color wheel they affect the value and intensity of the color.
  2. 5. Literally means one color. Color scheme made up of one color and its shades and tints.
  3. 6. Colors that are made by mixing equal parts of a primary color and a secondary color. Red-purple, blue-purple, red-orange, yellow-orange, blue-green, and yellow-green.
  4. 7. Color scheme that is made up of a color and it’s complements closest analogous colors. Ex Blue, yellow-orange and red-orange. Red-orange, red-purple, green
  5. 8. Colors that are positioned directly across from each other on the color wheel. Ex. Blue and orange, red and green, yellow-green and red-purple
  6. 9. Colors that are next to each other on the color wheel. Ex. Blue, blue-green, green, and yellow-green; red, red-purple, purple, blue-purple.
  7. 12. Colors that are usually associated with warm things. Ex. Red, yellow, orange
  8. 13. An element of art that refers to reflected light; AKA hue.
  1. 1. The most basic colors: red, blue, and yellow. These colors cannot be produced by mixing but are used to mix all other colors.
  2. 2. Colors that are made by mixing equal parts of two primary colors. Orange, green, and purple.
  3. 4. The lightness and darkness of a color; white has the lightest; black has the darkest.
  4. 8. Consist of three colors found on the color wheel that are equally spaced apart from each other. Ex. Red, blue and yellow or orange, green and purple.
  5. 10. Colors that are usually associated with cool things. Ex. Blue, purple, green
  6. 11. Invented by Sir Isaac Newton, represents the color spectrum bent into a circle.