Color Theory

  1. 7. The primary colors are Red, Yellow, and Blue; these colors cannot be ________________ by any combination of other colors.
  2. 8. A ____________________ complementary color scheme takes the two colors on either side of a colors complement.
  3. 10. A ________________________________ color scheme uses only one color, plus BLACK and WHITE.
  4. 14. A triadic color scheme uses three colors ____________________ (the same distance from one another) on the color wheel
  5. 15. Intensity refers to the brightness or ____________________ of a color.
  6. 16. Hue refers to the ________________ of a color.
  7. 17. Analogous colors are any three or more colors that are __________________ to each other on the color wheel and are closely related.
  1. 1. Neutral brown is made by mixing equal amounts of two _______________________ colors.
  2. 2. Complementary colors are directly across from each other or _________________________ on the color wheel.
  3. 3. Neutral colors include black, ___________________, white, and grey
  4. 4. Value refers to the __________________ or darkness of a color.
  5. 5. The tertiary colors are mixed from an equal amount of a primary hue and a ___________________ hue.
  6. 6. Shades are dark values that are made by mixing a color with _________________.
  7. 9. In color theory, white is the ________________ of color
  8. 11. A ____________________ color scheme uses four complementary colors on the color wheel.
  9. 12. The secondary colors are Green, Orange, and Violet; these colors are formed by mixing equal amounts of two ______________ colors
  10. 13. Tints are light values that are made by mixing a color with _______________.