Color Theory

  1. 3. Purple, green and orange are known as the _______ colors.
  2. 4. Red-violet is known as a _______ color.
  3. 5. In Photoshop, when you found a color you wanted to use, you created a _______ of that color for easy access.
  4. 8. The lightness or darkness of a color is known as ________.
  5. 9. These colors are illuminated from behind, such as on a monitor.
  1. 1. Blue, green and purple are ______ colors.
  2. 2. Red, yellow and blue are known as the _______ colors.
  3. 3. These colors appear because light is reflected off of a surface.
  4. 6. A dark value is called a _______.
  5. 7. A base color can also be referred to as a ____.
  6. 10. A light value is called a _______.