Color Wheel/Color Schemes

  1. 6. orange and blue are an example of this color scheme
  2. 7. add black to the color to get this
  3. 9. different in lightness and darkness
  4. 10. yellow, red, orange
  5. 11. blue, green, violet
  6. 14. plan for selecting colors for a project/design
  7. 16. red, blue, and yellow are an example of this color scheme
  8. 17. one hue with a variety of tints/shades
  9. 18. yellow-orange is an example of this
  1. 1. the number of colors on the color wheel
  2. 2. another word for brightness of a color
  3. 3. colors that go with all color plans: white, black, brown
  4. 4. the most important element of design
  5. 5. circular chart to show color relationships
  6. 8. these colors are neighbors on the wheel
  7. 12. secondary colors are obtained by mixing two of these colors
  8. 13. blue, purple, orange
  9. 15. add white to the color to get this