
  1. 2. It denotes tranquility, authority, trust and loyalty.
  2. 8. this shade is associated with relaxation and cleanliness.
  3. 9. usually is used by very warm people with a challenging point, who like challenges.
  4. 11. It is a color associated with science and objectivity.
  5. 12. It has very positive connotations, although it also means that these people can cheat or lie.
  6. 13. is a color that conveys peace, purity and cleanliness.
  7. 14. reflects great devotion, wisdom and justice.
  8. 15. can be a dirty white, light brown, or light chestnut color.
  9. 16. A color covered in beauty, sweetness and friendliness.
  1. 1. is associated with elegance, sensitivity or even magic.
  2. 2. is a color often associated with neutrality or unpleasant emotions.
  3. 3. This cold color reflects the energy of the universe.
  4. 4. Symbolizes kindness, positivity, sentimentality, sensitivity, and innocence.
  5. 5. Color of martyrdom and power. Of deep emotions and joys.
  6. 6. It is a color that has been associated with spirituality and kindness.
  7. 7. Freshness, freedom, healing, hope, everything positive is associated with this color.
  8. 10. has to do with the flower that gives it its name, so it is associated with delicacy.
  9. 11. is a symbol of prestige, honor and value.
  10. 15. Those who wear this color usually represent elegance and sophistication.
  11. 17. It links to affectivity, love, sensuality, spontaneity and daring.