
  1. 2. blue A light and serene shade of blue, similar to the color of the sky on a clear day.
  2. 4. A bright color that represents happiness, optimism, and sunshine.
  3. 6. A vibrant color that combines the energy of red and the brightness of yellow.
  4. 7. A warm and vibrant shade of orange-pink, often associated with tropical environments.
  5. 9. A color often associated with nature, growth, and freshness.
  6. 10. A metallic color associated with wealth, prosperity, and success.
  7. 11. A color that represents earthiness, stability, and reliability.
  8. 13. A delicate and soft color often associated with femininity and sweetness.
  9. 14. A warm color often associated with energy, passion, and strength.
  1. 1. A color associated with royalty, luxury, and creativity.
  2. 3. A color that combines the brightness of yellow with the freshness of green.
  3. 5. A pale purple color associated with serenity, grace, and refinement.
  4. 8. A cool color commonly linked to calmness, tranquility, and stability.
  5. 9. A neutral color often associated with practicality, maturity, and sophistication.
  6. 11. A dark color often associated with power, elegance, and mystery.
  7. 12. A color that represents purity, innocence, and cleanliness.