
  1. 1. A building where people live. It provides shelter and a place for families to gather and create memories. Houses can have multiple rooms and are often made of bricks, wood, or other materials. They have a roof, walls, and windows. A house is a comforting and safe space where individuals and families can relax and feel at home.
  2. 4. A piece of furniture used for sleeping and resting. Beds typically consist of a mattress, a frame, and bedding such as sheets, blankets, and pillows. Beds provide a comfortable and supportive surface for sleeping. They are essential for getting a good night's rest and rejuvenating the body and mind. Beds come in various sizes and designs to suit different needs and preferences.
  3. 5. A type of seating furniture designed for comfort and relaxation. Sofas typically have padded seats and backrests, providing a comfortable place to sit or lie down. Sofas are often used in living rooms or lounges, offering ample seating for multiple people. They come in different sizes, styles, and upholstery options, allowing individuals to choose a sofa that matches their preferences and complements the overall decor of the house.
  4. 8. A piece of furniture with a seat and backrest designed for sitting. Chairs provide support and comfort when sitting for extended periods. They can be made of wood, plastic, metal, or other materials. Chairs are used in various areas of the house, such as dining rooms, living rooms, or bedrooms. They come in different styles and designs to suit different preferences and provide seating options for different activities and occasions.
  5. 10. Room A designated area or room in the house where individuals can get dressed, apply makeup, and groom themselves. Dressing rooms often have a mirror, a vanity table or counter, and storage for clothing and accessories. They provide a private space for individuals to prepare themselves and feel confident in their appearance. Dressing rooms are commonly found in bedrooms or connected to bathrooms, allowing for convenience and easy access when getting ready.
  6. 11. A room in the house where people sleep and rest. Bedrooms usually have a bed, a dresser or wardrobe for clothes storage, and sometimes a desk for studying or working. It's a personal space where individuals can retreat, relax, and have privacy. Bedrooms are often decorated according to personal preferences, reflecting the style and interests of the person who occupies the room.
  7. 13. A piece of furniture with multiple shelves used for storing books and other items. Bookshelves can be freestanding or attached to walls. They provide a designated space for organizing and displaying books, magazines, and other personal belongings. Bookshelves not only help keep things organized but also add a decorative element to the room, showcasing personal interests and creating a cozy reading environment.
  8. 14. Room A common area in the house where family members relax, entertain guests, and spend quality time together. Living rooms typically have comfortable seating like sofas or chairs, a television, and sometimes a coffee table. It's a space for relaxation, watching movies, playing games, and having conversations. Living rooms are often designed to be cozy and inviting, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere for socializing and bonding.
  1. 2. A dedicated space in the house for reading, studying, or working. Studies typically have a desk or table, a comfortable chair, and bookshelves or storage for books and study materials. They provide a quiet and focused environment where individuals can concentrate on intellectual pursuits. Studies are designed to promote productivity and create an atmosphere conducive to learning, research, and personal growth.
  2. 3. An opening in a wall or partition that allows entry or exit from a room or building. Doors can be made of wood, metal, or glass. They often have a handle or doorknob for opening and closing. Doors provide privacy, security, and separate different areas within a house. They also help regulate the flow of air and create barriers against noise and weather. Doors can be opened or closed to control access and maintain privacy in different parts of the house.
  3. 4. A room in the house used for personal hygiene and grooming. Bathrooms usually have a toilet, sink, and bathtub or shower. They also have cabinets or shelves for storing toiletries and towels. Bathrooms are essential for cleanliness and maintaining good hygiene practices. They provide a private space for individuals to take care of themselves and freshen up.
  4. 6. A piece of furniture with a flat surface, often supported by legs. Tables are used for various activities such as dining, studying, or working. They can be made of wood, metal, or other materials. Tables provide a stable surface for tasks that require a flat surface, such as eating meals, doing homework, or playing games. They come in different sizes and shapes to accommodate different needs and fit into various areas of the house.
  5. 7. The area in the house where meals are prepared and cooked. Kitchens typically have appliances like a stove, refrigerator, and sink. They also have cabinets for storing utensils, dishes, and food items. It's a space where families can come together to cook, share meals, and enjoy each other's company. Kitchens are often considered the heart of the home, as they are a central gathering place for family members.
  6. 9. An opening in a wall or roof that allows light and air to enter and provides a view of the outside. Windows are typically made of glass and have frames. They can be opened or closed to regulate ventilation. Windows brighten up rooms by allowing natural light to enter and provide a connection to the outside world. They offer views of the surrounding environment and can create a sense of openness and spaciousness in the house.
  7. 12. An electrical appliance used for storing and preserving food at a cool temperature. Refrigerators have compartments and shelves for organizing different types of food items. They help prevent spoilage and keep food fresh for a longer time. Refrigerators are essential for storing perishable items, maintaining food safety, and ensuring a steady supply of groceries in the house. They come in various sizes and configurations to accommodate different needs and kitchen layouts.