
  1. 2. A soft and delicate color often associated with femininity and tenderness.
  2. 5. A shiny and metallic color, associated with sophistication and modernity.
  3. 7. A color that combines the calmness of blue and the energy of red, often associated with royalty and mystery.
  4. 8. A bright and cheerful color often associated with sunshine, happiness, and optimism.
  5. 10. A beautiful and colorful arc of light formed in the sky after rain, representing a range of vibrant colors.
  6. 12. A precious and warm color, often associated with wealth, luxury, and success.
  7. 13. The absence of color, often representing purity, innocence, and cleanliness.
  8. 14. Bright and intense colors that appear to glow, often used in signs and vibrant designs.
  1. 1. A color commonly found in nature, representing growth, freshness, and harmony.
  2. 2. A soft and light shade of color, often used to describe gentle and subtle hues.
  3. 3. The darkest color that represents darkness, mystery, and elegance.
  4. 4. A neutral color that is a mixture of black and white, representing practicality and balance.
  5. 6. A natural color associated with earth and soil, often representing stability and reliability.
  6. 9. A vibrant color that is a mix of red and yellow, commonly associated with enthusiasm and creativity.
  7. 10. A bright and warm color often associated with fire, passion, and energy.
  8. 11. A cool and calming color often associated with the sky and the ocean. It can represent peace and tranquility.