
  1. 6. A warm and vibrant color that is often associated with energy and enthusiasm. It is the color of a ripe orange or a sunset sky.
  2. 8. A pure and clean color that is often associated with innocence and simplicity. It is the color of fresh snow or a fluffy white cloud.
  3. 9. A refreshing color that is often associated with nature and growth. It can range from light green like fresh grass to dark green like a dense forest.
  4. 10. A shiny and metallic color that is often associated with modernity and sophistication. It is the color of a gleaming silver necklace or a silver star.
  5. 11. A soft and soothing color that is often associated with relaxation and tranquility. It is the color of fragrant lavender flowers or a lavender-scented candle.
  6. 13. A bright and cheerful color that is often associated with happiness and sunshine. It is the color of a ripe lemon or a sunflower.
  7. 14. A soft and delicate color that is often associated with sweetness and femininity. It is the color of a blooming cherry blossom or cotton candy.
  1. 1. A vibrant and tropical color that is often associated with calmness and serenity. It is the color of clear tropical waters or a turquoise gemstone.
  2. 2. A warm and earthy color that is often associated with stability and reliability. It is the color of rich soil or a chocolate bar.
  3. 3. A rich and royal color that is often associated with luxury and creativity. It can range from light purple like lavender flowers to dark purple like an amethyst gem.
  4. 4. A calm and cool color that is often associated with the sky and the ocean. It can range from light blue like the clear sky to dark blue like the deep sea.
  5. 5. A vibrant color that is often associated with energy, passion, and warmth. It is the color of ripe strawberries or a stop sign.
  6. 7. A luxurious and radiant color that is often associated with wealth and success. It is the color of a shimmering gold coin or a golden sunset.
  7. 9. A neutral color that is often associated with balance and practicality. It can range from light gray like a rainy sky to dark gray like a stormy cloud.
  8. 12. A dark and mysterious color that is often associated with elegance and formality. It is the color of a moonless night or a sleek black car.