
  1. 3. A magical color, like the cloak of a wizard.
  2. 4. A rich and vibrant color, like a precious gemstone.
  3. 9. Pure and clean, just like freshly fallen snow.
  4. 10. The color of fresh grass in a playful field.
  5. 11. Shiny and special, like a treasure chest full of gold.
  6. 13. Bright and happy, like a big, shining sun.
  7. 15. Bright and shiny, like a super cool robot.
  1. 1. Not too dark or too light, somewhere in between.
  2. 2. Just like the beautiful sky on a sunny day.
  3. 5. Earthy, like the rich soil in a garden.
  4. 6. Soft and sweet, like fluffy cotton candy.
  5. 7. The color of a really ripe and tasty apple.
  6. 8. Like the sky at sunset, warm and inviting.
  7. 12. A soft shade of purple, like a lovely flower.
  8. 14. The darkest color, like the sky at night.