
  1. 3. Color of Royalty
  2. 4. Color of the Chinese Emperor
  3. 5. A natural substance used to add or change color
  4. 6. All the colors mixed together
  5. 9. ____, white, and blue
  6. 10. Yellow, red, blue
  7. 12. A color spelled with an A in the USA or with an E in the UK
  8. 13. The ‘purist’ color
  9. 15. ______ Panther
  10. 16. Blue, purple, dark green
  1. 1. Represents energy
  2. 2. Orange, green, purple
  3. 7. Orange, red, yellow.
  4. 8. Color of the Dutch
  5. 11. The color of the frosting atop the doughnut often used to represent the simpsons
  6. 14. Often found as a metal and used to show wealth
  7. 15. Color used to represent sadness