
  1. 2. orange ya glad I didnt say banana
  2. 5. the color of olives
  3. 7. first color of the rainbow
  4. 9. my shoes are white and-
  5. 11. the color of olives
  6. 12. the color of Mrs Gregsons book on her google classroom picture
  7. 15. what color is the field
  8. 16. looks like purple
  9. 17. the name of a food but its like a dark green
  10. 19. I love grapes
  11. 20. think of the state flower
  1. 1. when your painting and you add a little white paint to the pink paint
  2. 3. kaila
  3. 4. really dark red
  4. 5. close to the color black
  5. 6. think of the sky at night
  6. 8. the clouds look nice today
  7. 10. not part of the rainbow
  8. 13. its an easter color
  9. 14. opposite of dark blue
  10. 18. looks stormy outside