colton's Ancient america's corssword

  1. 3. who built the religious center
  2. 5. country north of peru
  3. 6. Successful Farming gave rise to a great civilization in Mexico’s
  4. 8. What did the Maya use to move goods along narrow waterways?
  5. 11. The Maya used the glyphs to record important historical events in a bark-paper book
  6. 12. who did the maya learn from
  7. 13. a type of corn
  8. 14. Which direction was the Pacific Ocean from the Olmec Civilization?
  9. 15. enjoyed putting animals in their art work
  1. 1. What spirit did the Olmec people worship most greatly?
  2. 2. was one punishment for a serious crime
  3. 4. slash and ___ farming
  4. 7. Mesoamerica’s first civilization was called?
  5. 9. A carved stone of slab Mayan ruler stands in a ceremonial.
  6. 10. Chavín religion spread to a large area along Peru’s
  7. 11. a holy city